

Maximize The Use Of Your Data

As avid innovators in the realm of big data, we have seen the tremendous benefit that business intelligence and reporting can have on an organization’s bottom line and ability to fulfill their mission.

Increased Efficiencies

Labrador DRS® delivers valuable reporting and insights across your business units for a greater organization-wide focus on mission-critical tasks.

Data-driven Decisions

Labrador DRS® will increase both the quality and quantity of your Business Intelligence and Analytics for greater strategic insights and more data-driven decisions.

Reclaimed Hours

With 100% connected reporting, you will reclaim the countless hours spent manipulating exported data for reports.

We are an approved Solutions Provider in The Blackbaud Partner Network and experts in accessing and fetching data via the Blackbaud SKY API. We can be found in the Blackbaud Marketplace for RENXT® and FENXT® Solutions.

Labrador Data Retrieval System
To put it simply, the Labrador Data Retrieval System (DRS®) is a Data Warehouse solution to access your critical Blackbaud data for BI reporting and Analytics. Your data can be stored locally or securely hosted by Data Moose. The Labrador DRS® is powered by an automated ELT data pipeIine, for direct database access to Raiser’s Edge NXT® and Financial Edge NXT® , from Microsoft Power BI,TabIeau, F9, Crystal Reports, or virtually any other reporting software or platform.


Your Raiser’s Edge NXT® and Financial Edge NXT® data can be continually refreshed throughout each day. This on-demand and dynamic fresh data availability ensures your custom reporting is always up to date.


Labrador DRS® delivers an immediate return on your investment by eliminating the time spent each month manually exporting and compiling data in spreadsheets for critical reporting.


At Data Moose we take the security of your data very seriously. Each customer's data in the Data Moose Cloud resides on a dedicated server with its own network, switch, and firewall. For added security, we require end user connections to be maintained within an SSL VPN utilizing 8192-bit Military Grade RSA key encryption.


Organizations must be able to consistently enhance and extract value from their data in order to be successful. The stakes are high when you’re mission-driven. Data intelligence is key to working efficiently and effectively to reach your goals.
Our Mission

Our mission is to help non-profits make the world a better place, by providing direct access to actionable data in a secure environment.