Steve Birnbaum

Steve Birnbaum, Chief Revenue Officer for Data Moose, has worked with philanthropic organizations for more than twenty-five years with a focus on the processes and technology surrounding fundraising, membership, and digitial communications. Most recently, he was Chief Operating Officer at and prior to that a partner at the SofTrek Corporation, a cloud software provider for charities based in Buffalo, NY, where he oversaw sales, marketing, and client solutions. Before SofTrek, he was the Chief Operating Officer at Jacobson Consulting Applications, a New York-based firm providing technology strategy and analytics software.

Steve is the President of his synagogue and believes that, as in Hebrew, where the word for “charity” translates to “righteousness”, promoting effective philanthropy makes the sector, and society, stronger and more cohesive. Other volunteer work includes serving on the Capital Health Foundation Board during its campaign to build a new state-of-the-art hospital facility in Hopewell, NJ. A graduate of Vassar College, Steve lives in Princeton, NJ, with his wife and three children.